First: The financial resources:
1- The administration council is volunteered and didn’t receive any fees.
2- A membership fee (25 pounds) is paid for every new membership application.
3- The monthly subscription fee (5 pounds) and the annual (60 pounds) the member pays it in January each year and it will be collected from the salary.
4- The union accepts donations from staff, teaching board members and others with the approval of the administration council and the competent authority.
5- All general managers will donate (100 pounds) for the union for one time and that to develop the union resources.
6- The accounts administration will transfer the proceeds of the sanctions fund to the union account and that to support the union resources.
7- Deduct on the exams bonus of the three stages for all university employees with the approval of the competent authority.
8- Open to the participation of the temporary employees to be associated members until appointing them.
Second: the benefits:
1- The union will spend 200 pounds for the member in the case of having an operation and for one time.
2- The union will spend 200 pounds for the member (female) in the case of pregnancy and for one time.
3- The union will spend 200 pounds for the member in the case of his marriage or the marriage of his sons.
4- The union will spend 300 pounds for the family of a dead member.
5- Making summer resorts for the members and their families with a discount 25% for the member and 2 of his family.
6- Making beach trips for one day for the member and his family with a discount 25%.
7- Making trips to visit religious and tourist places for the members and their families.
8- Making a collective breakfast for the members during the holy month Ramadan.
9- Organizing trips for the members to perform the pilgrimage and the union spend 200 pounds to the member for one time and a loan 1200 pounds will be paid for a year without any benefits.
10- Dealing with a good reputation companies for the sale of food products and commodities for members at cost price.
11- Organizing exhibitions for ready-made clothes with a suitable discount for the members.
12- Organizing exhibitions for school stationary at the beginning of the school year at cost price.
13- Organization exhibitions for the sale of durable goods in installments.
14- Facilitate getting a loan to a member from the (National Bank and the Cairo Bank).
15- These regulations and benefits applied from 1/1/2015.