أرشيف الأخبار

The university receives a committee from the Supreme Council
2024-09-09 15:11:19

The university receives a committee from the Supreme Council

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Shaden Muawiya - president of the University of Sadat City; and in the presence of Prof. Dr. Khamis Mohammed Khamisvice president for education and student affairs, the Center of Electronic and Knowledge Services received, Monday, September 9, 2024, a committee from the Supreme Council of Universities headed by: -

  • Dr. Mohammed Hassan Jadallah- director of the central unit for Information Technology training at the Supreme Council of universities.

Membership of both: -

  • Dr. Mahmoud Mustafa al-Habaq-deputy director of the central unit for training and digital transformation at the Supreme Council of Universities.
  • Mr. Mahmoud from the Government computing unit of the Supreme Council of Universities.
  • Engineer / Abdul Hamid al-Nimr-engineer at the central unit for training and digital transformation.
  • Dr. Ahmed Khalil Abu Zeid, an engineer at the central unit, is responsible for training and digital transformation at the Supreme Council of Universities.

To review the procedures and processes of digital transformation tests in the center and the services it provides.

The "committee" inspected the training and marketing unit and the testing center at the Electronic and Knowledge Services Center, reviewed all the physical capabilities of the center from devices and laboratories and ensured that the units are suitable to conduct training.

The committee chairman discussed extensively with some of the trainees during the digital transformation tests, listened to all of the trainees’ opinions, and responded to the trainees' questions.

This came in the presence of Dr. Tariq Mustafa Mahmoud - executive director of Information, Dr. Heba Allah Jafar-deputy executive director of Information, Dr. Amal Mahmoud Hussein-director of the training and marketing unit, and Mr. Shadi Hassan-Managing Director of the center.