The University Council, headed by Prof. Dr. Ahmed Bayoumi - the University president - approved at its latest board meeting on 27 Dec 2017 to sign a cooperation protocol between the University of Sadat City and the American University in Cairo for “University Centers for Career Development UCCD” Project.
The project, which will be implemented by AUC and funded by USAID, will establish 20 sustainable UCCDs in 12 Egyptian public universities in Upper Egypt, Delta and Greater Cairo over a four-year duration.
The UCCD program will empower students to pursue their career choices and will facilitate their transition from university to the work force. In cooperation with the public universities’ administration and training partners, the centers will offer a comprehensive and engaging set of interventions in the areas of career management, employability skills, technical trainings and entrepreneurship. These trainings will help bridge the gap between the university educational outcomes and industry needs, and increase the graduates ‘competitiveness in the job market to become productive citizens in their societies and contribute to their country’s future development.