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USC signed an agreement with Osaka University-Japan
2016-03-27 08:53:41

USC signed an agreement with Osaka University-Japan

Prof. Dr. Salah El-Ballal – President of the University of Sadat City – signed a cooperated agreement with Osaka University in Japan, in attendance of Prof. Dr. Adel Higazy – Director of USC’s projects, the agreement included ( to send a full payed 3 Ph. D. scholarships yearly for 5 years).

The University will carry on a competition for ideal students in order to choose who will seconded to the Faculty of Engineering for Post Graduate studies.

Dr. Salah El-Ballal – USC’s President award the University Shield to Prof. Kiichi Fukui - the Director of Bioengineering laboratory for energy crops, Dean of Faculty of Engineering for PG studies Prof. Dr. Toshihiro Tanka, in attendance of Prof. Dr. Adel Higazy – Director of USC’s Projects.