Marketing Project

The objectives and the plan of the project

The objectives and the plan

The marketing team aims to computer literacy at the university through workshops and E-Marketing and create a university community developed through:

-  The team is using the direct marketing with students, staff and interviews with the teaching board members and assistants.

-  The team also uses the E-marketing (Facebook page) for the marketing of the project services for both students and the teaching board members, but when marketing for some services such as the Internet, we find it not available to students in some faculties, as well as free training courses.

-  The team activates marketing via email with teaching board members.

-  The team makes a channel on YouTube to show the provided services and to cover the events.

- The team designs promotional materials (ads and banners) and the university provides the possibilities to print.

- The team makes media campaigns as a campaign each semester.

- The team makes students competitions.

- The team motivates competencies by providing opportunities to work.

- The team provides material and moral motivation (certificates of appreciation - Gifts)

- The team motivates technology ambassadors financially and morally.

- The team motivates the teaching board members and assistants of the most using of the project services by thanks E-mail and announced that in the honor panel of University site.