جامعة مدينة السادات، جامعة مصرية حكومية مقرها مدينة السادات شمال غرب القاهرة الكبرى أنشئت في بادئ الأمر ككليات تابعة لجامعة المنوفية فى الفترة من 1993 حتى 2007 ثم تم أعتمادها كفرع لجامعة المنوفية له إدارة وكيان من 2007 وحتى 2013 العام التى تم انشاءها كجامعة مستقلة بموجب القرار الجمهوري من رئيس الجمهورية بتاريخ 25 مارس 2013.
Students’ Union is the regulatory legitimacy for students that aims to;
Develop the human and spiritual values, Deeping the national awareness, uphold the value of belonging and loyalty, Deeping the foundations of democracy, human rights and citizenship among students, teamwork and expressing their opinion within the university traditions and customs.
Refine the students' skills and develop their abilities’, for the benefit of their educational institutions, and the nation.
Form the students groups and scientific clubs, to take the advantage of students’ energy. As well as support their activities and develop their creative abilities.
Organize all students’ activities; sport, social, scouting, arts, cultural, technological … and encourage students to participate.
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