جامعة مدينة السادات، جامعة مصرية حكومية مقرها مدينة السادات شمال غرب القاهرة الكبرى أنشئت في بادئ الأمر ككليات تابعة لجامعة المنوفية فى الفترة من 1993 حتى 2007 ثم تم أعتمادها كفرع لجامعة المنوفية له إدارة وكيان من 2007 وحتى 2013 العام التى تم انشاءها كجامعة مستقلة بموجب القرار الجمهوري من رئيس الجمهورية بتاريخ 25 مارس 2013.
Setting up a management information system between USC’s administration and its Faculties to support the University Council while doing its mission.
Improving USC’s decision-making process by providing analytical tools and decision-making templates.
Enhancing the workflow, accuracy, and the ability in following up work.
Extract all accurate, ticking time and full data that needed in the future.
Supporting USC’s Academic Staff with a collection of servers and information systems that manage their workflow.
Training all relevant employees in various sectors (student affairs department – academic staff affairs – postgraduate affairs) on how to use MIS application, as well as other training courses in computer usage.
Provide the official E-mail for students and academic staff.
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