جامعة مدينة السادات، جامعة مصرية حكومية مقرها مدينة السادات شمال غرب القاهرة الكبرى أنشئت في بادئ الأمر ككليات تابعة لجامعة المنوفية فى الفترة من 1993 حتى 2007 ثم تم أعتمادها كفرع لجامعة المنوفية له إدارة وكيان من 2007 وحتى 2013 العام التى تم انشاءها كجامعة مستقلة بموجب القرار الجمهوري من رئيس الجمهورية بتاريخ 25 مارس 2013.
providing primary medical care for all students through the various sections:
Dental Department.
Analyzes lab.
Department of Diagnostic Radiology.
Outpatient clinics “OPD” (general practitioner - bones - Dermatology - nose and ear - General Surgery - Internal Medicine and the heart) and is currently under complete the rest of the disciplines.
Emergency Department to receive emergency cases, 24-hour service for students of the university Dormitories.
Refund the treatment costs for students who have a chronic disease and accidents, who were treated outside the medical management or places we are contracted with, after reviewing medical reports, invoices, treatment and ensure their conformity with the case.
The adoption of excuses and sick leave for students who are in medical commission.
The medical examination for all freshmen and students who applying for Dormitories and educational diploma.
the medical examination for the students who participating in all university sports activities, camps and universities’ league.
spread the healthy culture and medical awareness among students by organizing courses on first aid, methods of disease prevention and infection control in cooperation with the Youth Welfare at Dormitories.
Medical supervision at examinations’ committees in all faculties of the university in various levels.
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