جامعة مدينة السادات، جامعة مصرية حكومية مقرها مدينة السادات شمال غرب القاهرة الكبرى أنشئت في بادئ الأمر ككليات تابعة لجامعة المنوفية فى الفترة من 1993 حتى 2007 ثم تم أعتمادها كفرع لجامعة المنوفية له إدارة وكيان من 2007 وحتى 2013 العام التى تم انشاءها كجامعة مستقلة بموجب القرار الجمهوري من رئيس الجمهورية بتاريخ 25 مارس 2013.
Medical examination carried on students who paid the academic fees only, except the emergency cases.
Emergency cases are handled only in the emergency clinic without considering the requirement of payment the fees.
The normal medical examinations carried out only once and at least 03 days from the last time, except in case of pre-determine noted date by the doctor “writing in the health card”
Medical examination applied only in the presence of a health card with a personal image of the student sealed, in the case of loss or damage, student should replace it and it costs 10 EGP (in the case of remove the photo is considered damaged card).
The Health Card is Personal, and in the case of used by non-original owner it will be confiscated and deprived its user and the owner for a month, except only emergency cases.
For laboratory, samples are collected by 11 am delivered the results after 01:00 pm.
Description not taken more than four varieties of medicines ticket and in sufficient quantity for three days up to a maximum of treatment unless the physician text to increase the quantity.
Does not convert the cases not deserved to contractor organizations.
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