Laws and Regulations
Regulations List for collection and exchange of students’ treatment:
First: the Fund's resources
Due to the unusual rise in the prices of medical supplies and medicines, compensatory devices, treatment and feeding of students in hospitals and the inability of the Fund's resources, so the contributing to support resources of the Fund are as follows: -
a) A medical services stamp (forty pounds category) is added to the form of the medical examination of newcomers in the progress of the university Dormitories.
b) A medical service stamp (two pounds category) is added to the ticket of treatment and (four pounds category) for postgraduate student.
c) A medical service stamp (five pounds category) is added when dental amalgams (platinum or temporary) and (two pounds category) when dislocation or curettage lime, 25 pounds when stuffing nerve and 10 pounds when stuffing (white or plastic), and doubled for postgraduate student per year.
d) A medical service stamp (five pounds category) is added when carrying out analyzes, and doubled for postgraduate student.
e) A medical service stamp (five pounds category) is added for a Radiology (per movie), and doubled for postgraduate students.
f) A medical service stamp (five pounds category) is added on the minor operations, and doubled for postgraduate students.
g) A medical service stamp (ten pounds category) is added on the medium operations, and doubled for postgraduate students.
h) A medical service stamp (twenty pounds category) is added on the major operations, and doubled for postgraduate students.
i) A medical service stamp (hundred pounds category) is added on the acceptance form for postgraduate students (diploma - Master - PhD) and doubled for foreigner students.
j) A medical service stamp (fifty pounds category) is added to the medical excuse request of exam, and doubled for postgraduate and foreigner students.
k) 10 pounds charged when extracting a Replacement Health Card, and doubled for postgraduate students.
l) A medical service stamp (five pounds category) is added when viewing the intermediary employee on the Medical Commission.
m) A medical service stamp (fifty pounds category) is added when viewing the substantive employee on the Medical Commission.
In case of stamps not found, collection will be through certified receipts
Second: Expenses
1. The medical service applied for students and groups perfectly, subject to the availability of the medical service fund.
2. The medical service applied for students who paid the tuition fee only, except the emergencies and accidents.
3. The medical service applied for students within the public administration of medical affairs and outside it, after the conversion from the administration, but not exceeding 24000 (only twenty-four thousand pounds) for undergraduate / bachelor students, and 12,000 (only twelve thousand pounds) for postgraduate student during the academic year.
4. Emergency cases that are going without a conversion from the medical department is accounted by the fees of treatment institution at the second level with the maximum limits specified in article (3). The process includes accommodation and pharmacological treatment inside the hospital and does not include the fellow.
5. In the case of the desire of the student, to receive his medical service outside the university hospitals or contracted hospitals, it must be approved in advance from the General Administration of Medical Affairs. The student assumes the difference prices between them, taking into account the above article (3.4).
6. The Fund assume 50% of the value of Prosthetics and vehicles equipped for university students (BS / BA) only, maximum of 5,000 (five thousand pounds) for once time during his duration study.
7. The beneficiary from those advantages;
- Undergraduate (BS / BA) and postgraduate students in his prescribed studying years.
-In case of failure and re-year for the first time, the benefit will be 50% of the maximum therapeutic and processes.
- In the case of the second failure, the advantage will be 25% only from the therapeutic processes mentioned in article (3.4).
- In the case of the exhaustion of failure years, student able to perform medical disclose only and is not entitled to take advantage of any of these features or exchange treatment from the medical department.
8. The receivables request presented by the student in the same month or at most the following one, and it is not acceptance or consideration of any request after this date or prior periods, or without prior approval from the General Administration of Medical Affairs.
9. Critical cases which are beyond the aforementioned rules are displayed by the General Administration of Medical Affairs to be presented to Prof. Dr. Vice President for Education and Student Affairs and Chairman of the board of medical service fund for consideration, and presented to the Directors Board at the next briefing meeting.
Third: medical services not covered by medical service fund
1. The costs of all kinds’ births.
2. The cost of a cosmetic surgery and Obesity Treatment.
3. Treatment of vision Defect via laser (LASIK) and contact lenses.
4. Polishing, orthodontics, dentures and fixtures of teeth
5. Pressure and sugar measuring devices.
6. Injuries resulting from the student deliberately hurting himself as a suicide.
7. Treatment of drug addiction.
8. All cosmetics and treatment of baldness.
9. Hospitalization in convalescence time or sanatoriums, all types of alternative medicine and all means unauthorized by the authorities in charge of medical and therapeutic.
10. Congenital stable defects or distortions accompanying student.
11. Unregistered medicines at the Ministry of Health.
12. Students covered by any other therapeutic regimen.
The academic year: - starts from the first of September to the end of August.
All collected amounts through the stamps, don’t spend in wages and bonuses