1-Chemical Sciences
2- Agricultural Science
3 - Biological Sciences
4 - Technological Sciences
5- Geological Sciences
6- Health Sciences and Pharmacy
7- Physical science
8- Materials science
9 - Business and management studies
10- Educational and human studies
And that each of the three sections of the institute.
1- Pedagogic
2 -Comparative Education and Educational Administration
3 - Methods of Teaching Specialization
4 - Planning and curriculum development
5 - Education Technology
6 - Educational Psychology
7- Mental Health
8- child-rearing
1- Tourist Guidance
2- Tourism studies
3- Hotels Studies
1- Public Law
2- Private Law
1- Commercial science business administration
2- Commercial science in Accounting
3- Commercial science in Economics
4- Commercial science statistics and insurance
1-A molecular microbiology
2- A molecular parasites
3- A molecular immune
3- Molecular Pathology
4- Molecular biology of the cell
5- Genetics and molecular genetics
6- Molecular division
7- Molecular evolution
8- Molecular insects
9- Molecular biology of cancer
10- Tissue engineering
11- Human Molecular Genetics
12- Genomes
13- Microbial Biotechnology
14- Cultivation of cells, tissues and botany organs
15- Genetically modified plants
16- Biotechnology
17- Biotechnology crops field
18- Biotechnology seeds
19- Genetically synthesized animals and cultivation of cells and animal tissues
20- Reproduction techniques
21- Artificial insemination
22- Fertilization laboratory
23- Embryo transfer
24- Reproduction
25- Biotechnology aquaculture
26- Drug industries biotechnology food and dairy
27-Environmental pollution
28- Toxic genetic
29- Biological treatment of waste and environmental sanitation
30- Demolition bio
31- Bio fertilizers
32- Biocontrol
33- Molecular diagnostics
34- Bioinformatics
35- Social biotechnology